Saturday, February 19, 2011

The fantastic winning of eco-friendly lover: MicroFueler, produce own Ethanol at home for the sake of alternative energy

Have you remembered about electric or hybrid cars? hybrid lamp?electric motorbike or electric bike and so on.They have good solution to produce own electric charging station at home. Even though, it rarely possess electric charging station at home. Probably, we remembered that other alternative energy should be dugg as well.

"Innovation without limits". came up into Thomas Quinn. The sentence inspired Thomas Quinn as founder of the company focusing on ethanol Fuel abbreviated by e-fuel and creating revolutionary products, MicroFueler, a tool, to create a home-based ethanol. Public could be used to make ethanol from household waste.

The shape is similar to gasoline at the pump dispenser. Just the color is predominantly green and white and using the same material with a washing machine, so its weight is relatively mild.

It is consisting of three parts. First, MicroFueler operate with the help of supporting help of MicroFusion reactor to break down organic waste into liquid fragmentation mixed by sugar content. The liquid is then processed again into ethanol and it can be loaded directly into the tank.

For the production process implemented, this machine requires water and electricity supply of 3 kWH or one-tenth of the average daily electricity consumption of households. Within seven days of operation proceeded, this machine is capable of producing 70 gallons or 264.9 liters of ethanol to be consumed free of charge. Well, the electricity supply must use a special generator called GridBuster. The three components are sold separately, in the total price of U.S. $ 30,000 (Rp266, 1 million).

Actually, E-Fuel was first launched in 2008 and it became one of superior products hometown of Los Gatos of California to support the project as the greenest state in the United States and in the world as well.

But because the price is quite expensive, the sale is not successful. E-Fuel major consumer until now is still within the University and government departments having more funds.

Unfortunately, those are still minimal compatible vehicles that they has engines consume up to 85 percent ethanol (E85). Until now the new U.S. sets the standard E10 ethanol consumption.

If it is marketed in Brazil, certainly no response. The reason, ethanol, E95 is the major fuel in the country of Samba.