Saturday, February 19, 2011

electric cars created by Toyota, most of its energy from the sun through solar cells is as part of efforts to find out environmentally friendly fuel

Giant car maker Toyota Motor Corp. secretly developed a solar-powered cars as part of efforts to create future cars withenvironmentally friendly fuel.

According to the Nikkei daily, the process of making the electric car is still in early stages, so it took many years before the car can be enjoyed by consumers around the world. Toyota itself is stillsilent about this news.

According to a leading business daily in Japan, the electric cars that will be created by Toyota, most of its energy comes from the sun through solar cells. The car can recharge at home with electricity produced by solar cell panels are usually mounted on a roof. Oncedeveloped, will all the energy the car will be obtained from sunlight.

Toyota itself, although it admitted only to lose since the last 70 years, they still did not cut funding green technology development. It also has been using solar cell panels on the roof Tsutumi factory inJapan to produce electricity.

With an area equivalent to 60 tennis courts, the electricity generated is equivalent to the needs of 500 homes. This can save740 tonnes of C02 emissions per year, equivalent to 1,500 barrels of crude oil.