Tuesday, February 1, 2011

tunisia and egypt crisis related to energy crisis: Do you think that electric energy is one of causes of Arabs unrest, especially Tunisia and Egypt ?

Recent Issue of World is how to solve global warming and one of them is try to change gesoline fuel into environmentally friendly fuel such as electric and non-gesoline fuel. it is sign by the best car is achieved by electric cars. This is the sign of gradually leaving use of oil fuel into non-oil fuel. Due to decreasing demand of gesoline fuel will exactly influence economic Arab World due to most of those countries relying on oil. As we known, gesoline fuel is one of oil product, it uses for our recent cars. And what will it happen next if more and more countries is gradually to change use of oil-moved transportation into electric-moved transportation. That means it will give extreme impact of economic Crisis for country on which it mostly produce oil for mostly obtaining nation income. several countries, such as Tunisia and Egypt are undergoing this unevoidable impact of economic crisis because of crisis energy on oil or the changing mindset to change oil energy to electric energy.

Actually, the crisis is not only energy crisis. The Arab world is in crisis because of a lack of good governance. Leaders need to recognize that no country is invulnerable and take steps to open political systems to improve the democratic and political rights of the population—only then will future revolutions be avoided.