Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Best progress of Obama administration concerning to target of one million electric cars

In Tuesday night's State of the Union, President Obama reiterated his goal of being the first country to put 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015, a plan he first put forth in 2008. And in the day since, the Obama administration started to expand on how it proposes to reach that goal.

United States President Barack Obama does not want to miss the electric car program for the country. To accelerate the growth of electric cars in the country, Obama is targeting one electric car already had slid on the streets in 2015.
President Obama does not directly express the target. However, the release of the Department of Energy, USA, and quoted by Technology Review, says there is a special budget for the development of advanced technology electric cars.

It is estimated to be retreat
According to observers, Obama target could have been stretched. The reason is, it takes a long time to popularize the electric car. It can be campared to others, such as the Prius to reach one million, it takes 10 years. While the electric car just in the early stages of introduction. Another factor makes consumers reluctant to buy an electric car on which the price is still expensive, even it is more expensive than plug-in hybrid, the Prius. Other factors, electric cars can not be used for long trips plus infrastructure charging (fast) is still minimal.

To spur popularize electric cars, Obama through Recovery Act has budgeted 2 billion U.S. dollars to help set up of a factory battery and electric vehicle components. Another fund of 400 million U.S. dollars is for infrastructure and site demo of electric cars.

In fiscal year 2012, tax deduction incentives for electric cars is raised up to 7500 U.S. dollars for a plug-in hybrid cars. Electric car users will get direct discount payment (no need to wait for tax returns).

The budget for battery technology research and development also increased. In addition, energy development is also focused on getting a better battery. This includes 10 billion dollars to make electric cars more attractive, namely the regulation of infrastructure investment, the conversion of the fleet, incentive use of electric cars (parking), partner with suppliers, and training.

it is pointed out that one of sufficiently interesting things to make potential consumers to buy electric cars is the availability of common docking site to fills quickly including to discount prices. It is estimated, it is not easy for Obama to get the budget because they have to get approval of Congress.

resource= technology reviews