Sunday, September 2, 2012

You can easily create electric cars

Bilboa,- To reduce pollution, Hiriko offer electric cars. The target for urban commuter transport. Especially from the house to the train station or bus terminal and vice versa.

Interesting characteristic of the car, not only because the dimensions are very tiny, 2.5 meter long road course. When parked, can be folded and reduced to 1.5 meters. Obviously this will fade to parking.

Another characteristic of Hiriko, the driver and passengers in and out of the front of the car (front glass) that also functions as a door.

Furthermore, folding rear of the car to the front, independently controlled by a "robot wheel". Amazingly, all four wheels can turn 60 degrees, which allows the vehicle to spin axis or a reverse direction with ease. Means for parking is very easy, no back and forth.

Heptic Steer
Another attraction of ultra-compact car is its control, such as accelerated, slowed and turned. For that use the steering wheel model airplanes with steering wheel heptic technology. Precisely the steering wheel that can provide feedback or works based on the pressure and setuhan given by the driver.
To accelerate the pace car, the steering wheel just pressed forward. Conversely if you want to reduce the speed, pulled back. Furthermore, if you want to turn, turn in the direction desired. practice!

Fast charging
Further, lithium-ion batteries used car can be fully charged in 15 minutes. Batteries placed on the floor to keep the car a low center point. Thus, the stability of steady guaranteed.

Directly fitted with four wheels 15 kW electric motor. Because it is designed for short distances within the city, its maximum speed of 50 kph dibatas. While the mileage of 120 km. Total weight of the car is only 500 kg and is registered as a four-wheeled motorcycle, which means that in some countries do not have driver's license to drive it.

Hiriko also said the electric car has managed to pass safety and crash test conducted by Hiriko earlier this year. So far 20 have been made and tested to show it off.

Three variants are offered consisting of the Fold, Alai (convertible) and Game (small truck). Some of the first products will be delivered this summer to several European cities to be tested by potential buyers.

Fold Hiriko is resecheduled to go on sale in 2013 at a price 16:00 U.S. dollars. Not exactly cheap.

Another interesting thing, Basque consortium plans to sell electric cars in the mini-module "snap-together". That is, assembled in the car is sold. Yes ... similar to the bicycle industry!

The atmosphere of the heavy traffic (jam) and the parking is more difficult is the main problem the major cities in the world today. No easy fix!

However, new ideas to resolve the issue keeps popping up. Particularly motor vehicles that cause congestion, pollution and parking spaces yan increasingly difficult.

One of the highlights is offered by a consortium Hiriko of Bilboa, Basque, Spain. The concept vehicle also offered Hiriko named two words in Basque, "Hiri" (city) and "ko" (property) which is translated from the city.