Friday, August 17, 2012

woman who 'seduce' can get a discount large enough to buy car

London - That is the official research in the U.S. and the UK. The results were mentioned, the woman who 'seduce' when nego with the sales price of the car can get a discount large enough.

But that only happens if the sales are of course a man.

In one experiment, approximately 100 men and women were asked to imagine they would sell a car worth £ 750.

Half of those women who get seduced for the 
negotiable price.
Rayuannya like seeing a car salesman from top to bottom, holding the hand car salesman, and finally winks to ask for the best price.

The rest, get a regular car buyers.

The result? Was already evident, the buyer offered to seduce women more than those who did not seduce. But a special of his car sellers.

On the average, with enticements such as the above, can reduce the price by 20 percent!

The opposite is the case, if a woman is selling a car, they just get the unpleasant results when seducing.

"We found that the seduction, on the other hand, convey the tension and power," said Laura Kray University of Berkeley, California, Berkeley, in the Daily Mail, Tuesday (31/07/2012).

Enchantment of the women could be used to nego the price of the car. Moreover, if it's flirtatious. So men, you should take your partner when nego with car sales in the showroom.