Sunday, August 26, 2012

What should you do for driving in comfort and alertness?

You need to travel far to serious preparation and therefore need to consider the following things so you can drive in comfort.

After the car's ready to be invited back and forth, the driver also needs to be prepared to drive in comfort and alertness.

"Preparation of the driver needs to be addressed. Comfort and alertness while driving also comes first, "said Rifat Sungkar, national rally driver who also often serve as a mentor on driving safety. The following tips.

Driving long
Ideal time behind the wheel is 3 hours. As much as possible to do intermission and after moderate exercise is overdue to loosen your muscles are stiff during the sitting. Do not force constantly driving because it will drive mempengeruhi vigilance.

Make sure the condition of the body while driving is really fit and not under the influence of drugs that usually contain a variety of dosage of sleeping pills though. Strive to sleep enough.

Driving in a long time often makes saturated and lower levels of concentration. Plus traffic, heat, fatigue and drowsiness. Adaslah entertainment facilities to keep the mood and keep away from saturation. No less important, again did not confiscate the concentration when driving. "This type of musical entertainment is recommended, because it does not interfere with concentration and easy to operate," said Rifat. Rhythm of the music should be chosen not too fast tempo, because adrenalin which can lead to aggressive drivers.

White Water
Not just as a release thirst, drinking water can be refreshing especially when sluggish and sleepy before.

Driving attitude is very important to ride in comfort and safety priority. This condition applies to all situations. No less important, control of the car and its condition (passengers and luggage).

"Pay attention to traffic signs and respect other road users. Too aggressive or calm is not good, "said Rifat. He said the traffic rate in a phase or rhythm. Driving would be too aggressive or relaxed rhythm mengggangu phase or other driver. They may be unable to follow or react properly.