Saturday, August 25, 2012

U.S. primary target of Stolen cars come to Honda Accord

New York, KompasOtomotif - Honda Accord 1994 to the current output is a prime target for car thieves in the United States (U.S.). According to Bloomberg proclaimed yesterday, Honda models is most easily uprooted because the security features very little or not equipped with sophisticated anti-theft.

Title as the favorite target of thieves has been attached for 4 consecutive years. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), last year's number of 1994 Honda Accord models that are embat thief reached 7596 units.

The second model is the brother of the coveted highest Accord, the Honda Civic 1998. The position has been held seven years in a row until last year.

"They stole my old car because its security features are very weak compared to cars made later," said Joe Brosius, a retired police officer from Tempe, Arizona, is now leading the International Association of Auto Theft Investigators. "As easily stolen, so to be number one."

Output of cars last year equipped with engine immobilizer that prevents alive when the original key does not exist. Meanwhile, according to Honda spokesman, Chris Martin, the new Honda Accord install immobilizer in production 1997-1998. "In the latest model, the challenges facing the thief more difficult. It takes sophistication to be exploited them, "said Martin.

Three other big thieves targeted in the U.S. is the 2006 Ford pickup, the output consists of the F-150 and F-250.

Criminal Gate
2000 Honda Civic most stolen in New York, while the 1994 Accord a favorite thieves in New Jersey. Honda Accord 1997 also became the number one target of thieves in Connecticut.

Added, criminals often use cars to commit other crimes. "People who buy and sell illegal goods, robbing, stealing, or other crime, certainly not using the car's own. In short, the stolen car is a gateway crime, "said Brosius.

Theft of cars in the U.S. last year fell 3.3 percent compared to 2010 and the lowest since 1967. The reason, the security features are included manufacturers increasingly sophisticated.

Advanced technology makes work more difficult thief is a vehicle tracking, such as OnStar used by General Motors.

Later expected to work a conventional car thieves increasingly difficult. Because today's smartphones can be used to monitor the state of the car through the application of anti-theft car, at the same time will tell if the car is being plagued by thieves.