Monday, August 20, 2012

China electric cars go west

China automakers really can make any country stunned. And this time turn their electric cars are ready for worldwide, with ready rifles in the U.S. automotive market.

As reported by autoevolution, Wednesday (08/01/2012) 3 variants of electric cars work Liuzhou Wuling China Special Purpose Vehicle Co. Manufactureing. also successfully entered the U.S. market.

Starting from the Eco-E which has only two passengers. There is also a small pickup truck which they called as a EcoTruck. And the tangible van last electric variant, which used to be called EcoVan.

The price offered was varied, for a small car Eco-E will be released on $ 9,995 .

As for the EcoTruck and EcoVan a little more expensive, with EcoTruk U.S. $ 16,995  and U.S. $ 17,995 to Ecovan.

Speaking of speed, electric cars China is able to reach the maximum speed is limited by 40km/jam. And capable of running as far as 100 km.