Saturday, June 30, 2012

Giacomo Agostini, acknowledged that the right decision to pick up Valentino

"Casey's departure opened up the market. Now the most important thing is Lorenzo. I hope he stays at Yamaha; this team that he already knew well, and now has become like family to him."

Motor racing legend, Giacomo Agostini, acknowledged that the decision to pick up Valentino Rossi Ducati is the right thing. The reason is, "The Doctor" to attract sponsors so it is economically very profitable.But on the other hand, Rossi must have a bleak future with the team is based in Bologna. Since becoming a Ducati squad in early 2011, seven times MotoGP world champion has never won it, so it appears the news he would move to another team at the end of the 2012 season.

"Weight for the Vale. Ducati has an important sponsor, and it's still the best option for him economically. I do not know if she really had a chance to go back to Honda. In this case, it is difficult for him to start winning seven of 10 races lai , as is done first, "Agostini said, in a Yamaha event in Bologna."All the riders gave their best, but the champions have to give 110 percent. He belonged to one of them, but now maybe he's 'just' could give 100 percent. But if he gets a bike he likes, of course he can do better than right now.

"Rossi is still the most complete rider. From this viewpoint, Lorenzo was almost approaching for some years. Stoner was the fastest rider, but he is less perfect than Lorenzo, and more so when compared with Rossi."At the same time, Agostini also talking about making Casey Stoner, who is retiring at the end of the 2012 season. Italian men are understanding what the rider in Australia, let alone admit he had no longer had the desire to race.

However, Agostini only regret that the Stoner retired when he was still quite young. "I think it is rather simple, she no longer likes the race. Nothing odd about it. Now he prefers to live in the country with out."Only one strange thing: he was very young, with many offerings in sports and a lot of money it generates. But that decision, and must be respected."

However, with the retirement of the stock recruitment Stoner at the beginning of the season will be crowded. Moreover, the contracts of top riders such as Rossi, Pedrosa and Lorenzo, to be completed by the end of this 2012 season.