Monday, June 18, 2012

Chevy Volt sales skyrocketed with 249.3 percent increase

DETROIT -  Vice President of Nissan's Yokohama, Andy Palmer claimed to have a powerful weapon to overcome the advantages Chevy Volt.
"Nissan has nearly completed a massive upgrade to the outside of the factory complex in Nashville that will allow it to produce a battery pack Leaf and production of the vehicle itself in the country (United States) at near the end of this year," said Palmer.

electric car market in the United States is being stretched. The success achieved by Nissan Leaf in America seems to begin to fade along with the ride leaves the Chevrolet Volt.
Launched Inautonews, Chevy Volt sales skyrocketed in the last May 2012. Recorded last month sold more than 1 680 Volt units or 249.3 percent increase from 481 units sold in May last year.
Inverted conditions were felt Japanese manufacturer, Nissan. May 2012 and Nissan sold just 510 units of Leaf. Compared to May 2011 and who has recorded the transaction as many as 2613 units reached 55.3 percent decline.