Saturday, June 16, 2012

4 bikers're beaten and feel the cold pain in prison because of touring bike

Moscow - The four men say they get a visa to enter Iraq from a travel agency in Moscow that they have also been granted a visa to enter Iran.

After diplomatic negotiations, the bikers are finally able to return to his country. It's just that, a motorcycle that they bring to Iraq are not allowed out of the country.

"Efforts are being made ​​on the internet to describe us as heroes, but it does happen. We're not a hero. We are the idiots who are stuck in this situation because of our own ignorance," said one of the bikers, as quotes from Visordown.

Just because you want to do touring bike across the country of Iraq, four bikers from Russia was forced to feel the cold pain of being beaten in prison and local authorities. It happened because the four Russian bikers went to Iraq with false visas.

Four men are known to Russian named Oleg Kapkayev, Alexander Vardanyants, and Maxim Maximov Oleg Ignatyev enter Iraq from Turkey by motorbike to explore.

But when they entered the Iraqi army patrol was detained by the Russian Embassy to finally step in and suggest the bikers were desperate to leave Iraq.

These four people are quite desperate for ignoring advice not to come into the country. Shortly into Iraq, the four were detained by a military patrol outside of Baghdad and later imprisoned in an Iraqi military base for four days, where they claimed that they had been beaten, threatened and accused of being spies.