Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What's kind of unique materials to clean your cars?

A lot of damage to the car's  started because the car is dirty and not cleaned. Due to lack of clean cars, the initial damage to the car. Many of the materials for washing is cheap and can help us cope.
 But be careful also not to the material is exposed brake components.

NOT a few people who likes to clean the vehicle yourself at home. In addition to saturation drive, this is very good because it makes you really know the condition of the vehicle in detail.
Below are 5 tips to clean the vehicle with the materials that may have never imagined and you do not. Indeed miraculous. But powerful enough to clean up some of the vehicles. 

1. Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray is a fast and easy way to keep food from sticking to the pan or wok, but it is also powerful to keep the dust does not stick in velek-velek vehicle.
Some velek have intricate designs that make it difficult to keep them clean. But with spray cooking spray on velek that has been cleaned beforehand, it will make it easier to clean of brake dust.

2. Toothpaste
Although we do not have a vehicle other than the wheels of the gear teeth, apparently toothpaste can be used. With age the main lights are usually covered in a layer that is difficult to clean with detergent and water. This is where the material has the benefits of cleaning your teeth.
All you need is an ordinary toothpaste. Not that contain bleach teeth and so forth that can damage the glass jutru your lights. Apply toothpaste is evenly distributed in the glass headlamps and rub gently with a soft sweatshirt material with a circular motion until opaque layer attached to disappear.
3. Mayonnaise
Some people do not like mayonnaise on her sandwich, but this is a plausible enough reason to buy it. International Aero is a large company service providers cleaner aircraft, use it to remove mayonnaise stains such as tar or sap or bitumen used.
Use a bit of mayonnaise on the stained area about 10 minutes, then rub up missing. If that does not work, use a lighter oil (lighter fluid).
4. Baby Wipes / Baby Wipe
This one is not only a powerful way to keep your baby clean, IIa is also effective to clean the dashboard in your car. Because this material is more effective moisture than the dry cloth. He also leaves anti-static coating to prevent dust from sticking back in the dash in the longer term.
5. Nail Polish Remover / Paint Cleaning Liquid Nails
If you park under a tree in a few hours, usually glass windows will be filled spots due to exposure to tree sap. If you can not remove it with soap and water, try a liquid nail polish remover.
But be careful not until the liquid is exposed to paint your car because this material is also capable of eroding it. If you want to remove latex paint from a car, you can try with a towel and a small amount of alcohol to rub it gently.