Thursday, May 24, 2012

Unfortunately, Marion can not meet the technical challenges

 Unfortunately, Marion can not meet the technical challenges. Because the body Jetta has he sold.

MARION began to put the car into the specific blog sites Mens's Health under the title 'The Half-Million Mile Man' in March 2010 when his Jetta turbo mileage reaches 400,000 miles (643,737.6 km). The goal is to monitor its efforts reach a half million miles (804 672 km).

"The purpose of my blog 'The Half-Million Mile Man' not only to record my journey to 500 000 miles, but also to share what I learned about automotive care with other motorists," said Marion.

"When approaching 500,000, I realized that the most valuable lesson of all that might be hidden in the Jetta engine itself," he continued.

Target of Marion reached on April 9, but Marion did not open a bottle of champagne to celebrate. He even did an autopsy on his car Volkswagen Group of Americaâ € ™ s Auburn Hills Technical Center in Michigan.

For two days, the German car technician took some four-cylinder engine Jetta's 1.8-liter turbocharged Marion to check the wear of the cylinder wall as well as carbon crust on the intake valves.

The technicians found a bit of wear and the buildup and Marion who has been amazed at the treatment that makes the vehicle is otherwise still in good condition.

Heinz Rothe as a Product Support Engineer at Audi who lent a hand to 'autopsy' seem surprised at the results. "Before you see it, you would not believe. I would not be surprised if you do half a million more," he told Marion.