Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Two Chevy Camaro would be modified to mimic the style of Hot Wheels toys

We can not imagine how this giant velek would hamper maneuverability while driving the vehicle. To be sure this vehicle looks like a Hot Wheels toy cars are large.

GENERALLY children's toy car is made by mimicking a real car shape. Because only a toy, sometimes very extreme modifications made. One case is just the opposite. Two Chevrolet Camaro would be modified to mimic the style of Hot Wheels toys.

The Bumblebee who actually has been equipped from the factory with velek measuring 20 by 21 inches, it is less large for their owners. He is also a giant diameter velek force into the wheel house Camaro.

Its size was not half-hearted. Not 24 or 26 inches, but velek size 32-inch chrome-plated! And automatically, the height of the vehicle exceeds the size of most SUVs.