Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Steve Job reborn into iCar

New York, -  It is unfortunate, figures such as Steve passed away. If ICAR rolling, the United States will have pride products, such as Apple's typical products.

Perhaps the inventor of the "Apple" Steve Jobs is gone (passed away in October 2011). But Steve wants to live his dream of Apple's entry into the automotive industry by creating a revolutionary car that is "ICAR".

It was delivered by Mickey Drexler, CEO of J Crew Group and a member of Apple's board of directors who know both the figure of Steve. Drexler said Steve had expressed his desire to iTV and other products and it turns out, many do not know.

"Look at the car industry today, even a tragedy in the United States. Who is designing these cars? One of Steve's dream before he died was to make ICAR," Drexler beber Carscoop reported, last weekend.

Steve is known as a revolutionary product that controls the "trend" today's technology. Starting from a Macintosh computer, iPod, iPhone and a more "boom" iPad. Internal Apple sources say, if the project (ICAR) rolling, the target is to win the 50 percent market share (in its segment).