Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nissan Leaf has sold over 1,000 units sold in Norway the country with the highest demand for electricity models with zero VAT

There are about 256 000 Leaf Nissan sold last year. So the Scandinavian countries, a hundred times more "hungry" wants electric vehicles from American customers.

Norway is the country with the highest demand for electricity models with zero VAT, no new car tax, free parking, some free and toll roads through the bus in Oslo.

Remarkably, the Norwegian government is really serious about the program to build an environmentally friendly car charging points in the road agencies. Currently, there are about 3,500 places charging point in Oslo and the user can use it for free.

Although the government has given incentives by the U.S., sales of electric cars Nissan Leaf has not shown significant growth.

Fortunately, the U.S. is not the only place to sell models of electric vehicles (EV), countries such as Denmark, Spain or the UK offering a huge financial incentive for drivers who are willing to switch.

Nissan Leaf has sold over 1,000 units sold in Norway during the last six months. That figure is probably too small as a car sales in the U.S. for a month, but figures it has a market share of two percent in Norway.