Wednesday, May 2, 2012

like Nissan Juke. crossover MG has only three doors

London: Just as Nissan Juke, this car,crossover MG has only three doors. Two doors on the other side and one behind. Some of the designs of these cars inspired from the 1965 and 1980 MGB GT.

For matters of power, the car was mounted 1.5-liter turbocharged engine. The new 4-cylinder engine is being developed by parent company GM, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC). In 2005, the company bought MG Chinese automaker, Nanjing Automobile, which later became a subsidiary of SAIC in late 2007.

 British car manufacturer, MG, will release his new car, Icon. This type of crossover car will be showcased at the event China Auto Show, Beijing next week.