Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Is it right thatYoung woman's driver's more risky

Washington - Research conducted in the United States to prove that young women are more likely to play with his mobile phone while driving than men even though they knew it was dangerous for safety.

Prince Market Research research institute says that 2/3 young drivers age 15-21 years in 2012 following the online survey assessing him as a rider that 'very safe' while doing so. This survey has a margin of error of 2.2 percent.

Besides mobile phones, the young driver also admitted that while driving activities, they often 'find' disorders such as changing the music in the car audio device or eating and drinking while driving.

38 percent of female respondents also said that they read the message on the phone while driving and 27 percent said they also write a message while driving. In this case he only has a percentage of 17 percent and 11 percent.

"We must emphasize that each of the coffee we drink, we replace every radio channel, saw a glimpse of a cell phone (while driving) could lead to an accident or involved in an accident," said Angela Patterson, who is responsible for safe driving program for teens at the Bridgestone, which funded the survey as reported by the Sun Daily, Friday (04/27/2012).

 Again, a new study shows that young women often perform malicious acts to play their phones while driving.