Monday, May 14, 2012

General Motor becomes most loyal fans of MU

Shouthfield,  - In the world, Chevrolet managed to sell 4.76 million units last year, supported by a compact sedan Cruze. Increased market share in Europe successfully obtained with the increase of 14 percent to 67 888 units last year. Now, GM wants Chevrolet bigger through something that is popular with the European public.

After deciding to no longer promoted on Facebook and the championship of American Football, General Motors (GM) maneuver to approach the world of football fans. The way the British took a giant club, Manchester United, as funders (sponsors).

"Our fans have been belipat double in five years. It's very important for the club, not only for reasons of commercial partners but also gives us the sense, what really happened," said Richard Arnold, Commercial Director of the MU.

According to Autonews Europe (05/30/2012), the cooperation plan was presented by Chevrolet and MU while on tour to Shanghai, China. "Red Devils" (nickname MU) selected GM to strengthen its image in Europe and the world. Predicate champion 19 times it makes GM fell in love and wanted to fame. Plus-based survey of Kantar-MU had a strong support base in Asia, namely 659 million fans, making it the largest football club in the world today.

Joel Ewanick, Chief Marketing Officer of GM, is rumored to soon conduct a meeting in Detroit to drive the Chevrolet immediately support MU. No information forms of support, whether it be U.S. car brand t-shirt emblazoned on the club for one season, or any other form.