Saturday, May 26, 2012

Agassi's developing electric cars

Rosh Haayin, - Through Better Place, Agassi offers answers of the two obstacles that have been the biggest obstacle of electric cars, namely the high cost and limited mileage. So every customer that comes into Better Place is not only able to "charge" the battery, but also sell the batteries and replace (swap) with which it is fully charged. Only takes five minutes, rather than having to wait several hours for refills, the rider was able to return the path with the distance of 160 km.

Japan, the United States and Europe are competing to develop electric car technology. But, do not be surprised if later on the population of the largest electric car actually exist in the Middle East, especially Israel. Because the local entrepreneur Shai Agassi's Better Place recently inaugurated, the first integrated battery charging network in the country. As reported by the Associated Press (19/05/2012), Agassi and disbursed more than 400 million U.S. dollars.
The problem is not the issue of rising energy prices. Consumers think electric cars have not been able to offer the required mileage, "beber Automotive Industry expert John McElroy.

Currently consumers are still concerned about the limitations of electric cars cruising. Moreover, the lack of certainty if the car suddenly ran out of steam in a location away from the filling station or in an emergency to the hospital. Although fuel prices continue to rise, not directly proportional to the volume of sales of electric cars. "The problem is not the issue of rising energy prices. Consumers think electric cars have not been able to offer the required mileage," beber Automotive Industry expert John McElroy.
Related to this, Agassi, eager to prove these fears are not true. "We will be driving a car that had only a fantasy," said Agassi.

40 Stations
For the first phase, four stations Better Place unveiled in the central and northern Israel. Until the second half of this year, again following the 40 stations in operation across borders. Even before all the stations in operation, each user has an electric car can drive up to 500 km from north to the southern tip of Israel without having to worry about running out of power.
To the success of this project, Agassi also took other investors including General Electric Company and HSNC Holdings PLC to raise U.S. $ 750 million development that has been rolling since four and a half years ago.
To the volume of the electric car market, Renault began marketing electric Fluence sedan in Israel and the new population is 140 units. Every year, 200,000 cars were sold in Israel and the demand for electric cars just to fill two-thirds (1,800 units), consisting of corporate and personal customers.

After Israel, Better Place will expand to a second country, namely Denmark also this year. In addition, Australia's largest market to be lined up with the Better Place network concentration in the capital Canberra. Trus, Hawaii, California and Amsterdam as well be the next target. No lag, China as the country with the world's largest automotive market also targeted.