Saturday, April 28, 2012

This time, Ford set up four new models, 3 SUV and Focus ST

BEIJING - China has become a country with advanced automotive industry and will be again held the Beijing Auto Show 2012 event. U.S. car manufacturer Ford, took part in the event.

This time, Ford set up four new models. This is part of Ford's plan to launch 15 vehicles until 2015. Of the four models will be on display, three of which come with the model Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) and a model again, the Focus ST.

Until now, Ford has not released details of four new models. Focus ST model is rumored to have 250 horsepower and is expected to begin to enter the global automotive market in May. Thus was launched Inautonews, Friday (13/04/2012).

Ford's focus is to bring a vehicle with more advanced technology and environmentally friendly. It is expected to increase Ford's global sales by 50 percent, or about eight million vehicles per year.

"Ford Focus ST will be our flagship product. We are very proud to provide high-tech products and consumer-friendly environment in China and around the world, "said Nigel Harris, Vice President, Marketing, Sales and Service Ford Motor China.