Monday, April 30, 2012

Revealing Five Most expensive cars parking countries

many private cars have an impact on congestion and limited parking space. As a result, several major cities in the world to implement legislation to raise the cost of parking the vehicle.

Here are 10 most expensive cities for car parking charges automotto version:

1. Sydney (Australia)

Sydney is one of the best tourist destination in the world. Sydney is also included in the list of cities with the most expensive parking fees after Perth.

2. Copenhagen (Denmark)

Copenhagen is one of the pollution-free city in the world. Nearly 36 percent of people who lived in Copenhagen use bicycles to accompany the move.

Many people use bicycles and public transport is very reasonable. Because the cost of car parking in the city was U.S. $ 17 per day or per month on average to spend U.S. $ 521, or about Rp 4, 8 million.

3. New York (United States)

City of New York is one of the most populous city in the world and is very interesting to visit. But to live here is not cheap. The town is full of skyscrapers to use every inch of this territory to make money.

You have to set aside money of U.S. $ 40 per day for parking. Monthly parking fees at the Big Apple could reach U.S. $ 500 dollars or Rp4, 6 million. Therefore, the cab became the belle of the city's vehicles.

3. Brussels (Belgium)

The largest city in Belgium has a population of some 7,000 people. You can spend the money of U.S. $ 555, or about 5 million a month just to park the vehicle. This is one reason the release of Cars Shared mass transport by the government in 2003.

5. Perth (Australia)

The next town is Perth, Australia. Although the city has a very wide area and the number of low population density, parking fees for vehicles in this city amounted to nearly U.S. $ 568 per month. That figure is quite high for a country whose total population is only 2 million people.

The Government is encouraging people to use public transport vehicles. But in Sydney, the bike became trasnportasi most preferred by the community, especially in the city.

Be the most ideal automobile transportation today. Besides it can accommodate enough passengers, using cars do not need to queue everyone jostling atapun wait for the bus and train.