Sunday, April 22, 2012

Honda will apply the jam detection technology

Based on this determination, the system provides the driver with adequate information through a color display on the dashboard of the car to accelerate smoothly vehicle that will help ease the intensity of the acceleration and deceleration of vehicles behind. Thus helping to prevent or minimize the occurrence of vehicle congestion.

To test the efficacy of this system in collaboration with Honda Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo.

After a series of testing, the numbers appear quite impressive. This method is quite effective. Average vehicle speed increased 23% while on the better fuel consumption of 8%.

Honda will be testing the jam detection technology. Honda hastily claim that they were the first in the world capable of developing this feature.

"We successfully developed the world's first technology that can detect potential bottlenecks and determine what kind of driving patterns that can create bottlenecks," Honda wrote on his official site.

Honda congestion detection system as previously reported using the feature Adaptive Cruise Control and cloud computing.

Both of these systems to monitor how the driver depresses the gas pedal and brakes on the vehicle to find out how to drive which can cause traffic jams.

This system does not provide information about how to avoid congestion, but how to reduce potential congestion by monitoring the way the driver pressing the gas pedal and brake, how to drive like what could be causing congestion.