Thursday, April 19, 2012

Chevrolet Cruze and the Jeep Wrangler're investigated by NHTSA

DETROIT -within days of the investigation, NHTSA said it is still not been found to cause smoke and fire on the exhaust. NHTSA confirmed, this could have occurred due to driver error.

"Chrysler Group realized a small incident involving fires in the engine compartment of the Jeep Wrangler in 2010. Fire vehicles are very complex and can occur with a number of reasons that have nothing to do with the vehicle itself. Poor maintenance, improper use of vehicles or the installation of aftermarket equipment is often the cause of the fire vehicles, "NHTSA said.

Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is conducting an investigation into the Chevrolet Cruze and the Jeep Wrangler. This was done because previous NHTSA get complaints from consumers who reported having problems in 2010 Wrangler and Cruze 200.

Complaints that occurs is, for the Chevrolet Cruze, after traveling 30 to 43 miles, on the exhaust and engine fumes are considered to be reasonable and there was some blast from the exhaust chamber.

Meanwhile, for the Jeep Wrangler was found on fire for no reason. But the fire was not big and not to cause serious injury. Thus was launched Inautonews, Monday (04/02/2012).

Furthermore, the investigation covers 177 000 units and 100,000 Cruze assembly 2011 Jeep Wrangler assembly 2010. At present all units are still in the NHTSA investigation.