Sunday, April 8, 2012

baby's birth in the middle of traffic congestion

Sydney -"I saw a little commotion around a person in the passenger seat and the father who seemed quite panicked," said a witness told ABC Radio this morning.

Another witness told how he saw the mother and child are still covered in blood incident.

Now the mother and baby were transported to hospital for treatment. Both reported better conditions.

A mother
was forced to deliver her baby in the car in the middle of traffic congestion in Sydney, Australia. Witnesses saw how his mother and her baby covered in blood after childbirth.

This happened in Mosman, Sydney on Tuesday, April 3rd at around 7:00 am local time as reported by the Australian newspaper, Sydney Morning Herald, Tuesday (03/04/2012).

41-year-old woman gave birth to a baby boy during peak hours on the highway. The woman's husband also was in the car while the baby's birth.

Ambulance Service spokesman said the New South Wales, paramedics arrived on the scene in the way of Military Rd between the road Raglan St and Avenue Rd is a few minutes after the baby is born. Paramedics were immediately deal with the mother and child.