Monday, March 12, 2012

Talk about taxes? Owner of Supercar's objected

Italy, - Like the Porsche, for example. To meet market demand in several countries over the past Italy had exported amounted to 60 units. Even for this time only, shipping rates have soared to three-fold to 200 units per week.

Therefore, the Italian government issued a policy to inspect or investigate all of the community who live in luxury and style also has a luxury car.

The owners of Lamborghini, Ferrari and high-powered SUV, according to Italian media reports are now being targeted by the Guardia Finanza target or Italian tax inspectors. Because many supercar owners falsified their income taxes. This makes the new Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti working hard to combat tax fraud case that could cripple the country's finances.

Reflecting the month of December 2011 has been detected 133 cars supercar owners stated their income below 22 000 euros, or around Rp 260 million per year. In fact, 16 of which claim to earn less than 50,000 Euro or USD 600 million per year. Through this tax evasion alone is detrimental to Italy almost as big as 367 billion U.S. dollars, or 17.5% of Italian GDP each year.

Pinch of the above examples, obviously Italy as a producer of vehicles, supercars were not missed. Moreover, bookings for vehicles supercar is on the rise, particularly from Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, and the Czech Republic. So easy it darkened the income tax, to the extent that automotive employers in the country dared pizza provides a "garage" for the brand outside of Italy.