Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ferrari's new museum, "Museo Casa new Enzo Ferrari" in Modena

Modena, - Investors initially appointed in January Kaplicky renowned architect known for its modern buildings work in 2003. However, not long Kaplicky age and died in 2009. The building was then followed by one of his colleague Andrea Morgante and buildings that get menyeesaikan inspiration from Ferrari car designs.

Ferrari has a new museum "Museo Casa new Enzo Ferrari" in Modena, Italy which tells the history of specific founder of Ferrari, the Enzo Ferrari.

Museum showcases personal items and Enzo Ferrari's involvement in the world of auto racing in the days of his prime. Some older cars Ferrari, until the oldest on display here. Museum building is designed with two styles of contemporary and classic style of Ferrari. From above, looks like a mix of buildings representing two different times, modern and classic.

To build this museum will cost around 18 million euros. Funds obtained from the local authorities in the hope that it could attract more visitors each year from 200.0000 to boost the regional economy. The choice of location in Modena is also related to soil-born Enzo, Ferrari headquarters in Maranello instead.