Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Datsun's car brand will be officially launched by Nissanin 2014

if word got out Datsun car brand will be officially launched in 2014.

Nissan reportedly is trying to restore the spirits of the Datsun. If you arrive on time, the Datsun brand will be marketed in Asia, including the automobile market automobile market homeland.

But news of the birth of the Datsun brand try denied by Nissan. Japanese car manufacturer that did not want to respond to the news that mention hectic Datsun brand will be born again. Today many think if the media will return Datsun.

"We (Nissan) do not want to respond to the news. Nissan when there are new products that must first be covered-up,"

According to news Datsun height can not be trusted. Teddy is also never mentioned if the news is just rumor.

"The message could not be accounted for, it's also from unknown sources. So we do not want to respond to Nissan about it," he said.

Earlier news of the birth of Datsun brand blows since mid-2011, and continued until 2012. Other news to mention bahawa Datsun Nissan will soon launch for the emerging markets.