Friday, March 16, 2012

Careless grandpa takes his car to crash Post Office

FLORIDA - Luckily the grandfather did not have a serious injury due to carelessness in driving. But he had to spend money is not small, but the post office responsible for fixing it also must dress his new 2012 Corvette month old.

Driving a sports car that is famous for its big super power would be very dangerous if not yet recognize the character. I could have as experienced a 72-year-old grandfather in Florida, USA.

Reported by Inautonews, Friday (03/09/2012) crashed into the front of the grandfather Post Office Goldenrod sports car while riding his 2012 Corvette. The grandfather claimed to have tried to press the brake pedal in a panic he would press the gas pedal. Braaakkk, yellow sports car was also hit the post office.

The result, following the office door and the glass front of the car was severely damaged due to carelessness of the unknown grandfather Ruth Lawyer attorney's office employees. After the incident, the post office is closed all day for repairs.