Friday, February 24, 2012

What's VW target in 2018?

Wolfsburg - In 2011, Volkswagen is the # 2 car manufacturer in the world with global sales of 8.16 million vehicles.

The Volkswagen Group's 2018 target has 100 factories around the world and capable of producing 10 million cars per year. It is been suggested by Michael Macht, Chairman of Management of Volkswagen AG Board Member for Production Group in the column industry journal, Automotive News Europe.

The statement comes after MAN acquires VW, the largest truck manufacturer from Germany. By having 31 factories, contribute to a projection VW MAN, currently has 70 plants will be 100 in 2018. The year also launched as a VW deadline to become the number one car manufacturer in the world by beating General Motors and Toyota Group .. "The plan is fully and expansion will not close any of our 39 production facilities in Europe," Macht revealed.

What's VW target in 2018?

Currently VW is building three new factories in China, the world's largest market. VW also started looking at Malaysia as a next step to expand its operations in Southeast Asia target, while continuing to monitor the potential of the Audi plant in Mexico to strengthen its position in North America.

Macht added, Europe and in Germany will remain the backbone of the global success of VW. This group will continue to invest for new technologies and the widening of the operational area. Until now VW group has hired 330,000 people to produce 200 models worldwide.