Monday, February 27, 2012

Teenager's drivers in the Increasing number of death

Washington - Young age is closely related to the level of emotional stability, so that when driving is more edgy and could result in the unwary and can result in a greater chance of accidents.

Despite the United States, the Governors Highway Safety Association study (GHSA), can also be a reflection of the traffic conditions in the country. The reason, according to a study of the agency, the death of teenage drivers ages 16 and 17 years increased to 11 percent in 2011. Based on data from 50 states, an increase from 190 to 211 klematian, the largest in the last 8 years.

Dr Allan Williams, a researcher who previously served as chief scientist Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the opinion, the condition was due simply to get a driving license without knowledge and equipped with a safe driving ability. Others, because of economic improvement for most people, causing many young people buy a car by his parents.

Added, the condition is very poor. For that education should be given safe driving for teens. Including the outbreak of concentration while driving because it uses a smart phone or gadjet while driving. In fact, alcohol is mentioned as one cause. Moreover, the drug could have!

The number of death is 17 years old teenager, rose 7 percent, from 110 to 118. While the largest percentage increase occurred in the age group 16 years, 16 percent or an increase of 80 to 93. The state's largest contributors to death teenage drivers are Florida, California and North Carolina.