Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How to avoid Speeding Fines and Tickets

Likely demand for Brazil's government will be met by Twitter because some time ago, social media, based in San Francisco it's been announced that will help each country has a Twitter user.

It is undeniable that the role of social media is a lot to help us to get information. However, the Brazilian police, social media like Twitter could be inhibiting the rule of law.

The reason is simple. For custom Twitter users to share information regarding the circumstances surrounding the work is considered to interfere with the police. Thus was launched the IOL

Because Twitter users in Brazil are often times write a region where there are raids and type razianya. This is what often makes the Twitter users who are driving can 'escape' from these raids.

To that end, the Government of Brazil also filed a lawsuit on Twitter to stop a message containing a warning message and the location of raids related to police work. Because the messages are related to police work was often raided the vehicle used by a drunk driver to avoid the officer.

Brazil's government affirmative action based on the fact that there are 55,000 people who died in road accidents and they want to reduce it.