Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Don't worry! you will be transferred back to your house "After Party"

Michigan, - Well, Kellyann Wargo, a student from the University of Michigan, try to help reduce the risk of fatal accidents that can result in a state of drunken driving. The trick, a senior majoring in art and design is to create public transport that can be ordered called "Walk of Shame". So, they are drunk safely chauffeured, although it must bear the shame at being caught up in a car drunk.

Transport Wargo was created from the experience of students living in the world. Almost every month there is a party with a focus on fun. "Usually, consumers who call me are those who do not have a car, and their spouses do not want to take home. So, they are in the worst conditions," said Wargo as reported by the Michigan Daily, February 16, 2012.

In his ministry, Wargo offer a complete security package. First, take the car home use plus a bottle of water for freshness just by paying five dollars a specific area of ​​Michigan. In a leaflet advertising the offer, Wargo said, "Our service is faster than a taxi, and most importantly, we did not assess the consumer, no matter how bad his condition!"

Second, he provides coupon 5 dollars a female-specific client-to buy a "Plan B Pill" or also known as the contraceptive pill to prevent pregnancy, for those who wakes up next to a strange man who had met only the night before. "I want to create an atmosphere of comfortable, safe, and fun ... I can usually recognize what they really want because I know, walk or take a taxi to go home in such conditions is not fun," added Wargo.

all-night party at the club is something that most young couples preferred. What's more, while enjoying a drink of alcohol until drunk. However, this condition is clearly not good, especially because they have to drive a vehicle to go home.