Friday, January 20, 2012

How to clean your electric car machines practically?

New and old cars could be its ability to balance, if the new car was never treated, while the old car is always well cared for. Dirt that had not affected the ability of the car, after a long time if not cleaned will make the car difficult to move quickly and smoothly. What's new cars and expensive if it's not treated?

How to clean your electric car machines practically?

Cleaning the electric car's machine is not as easy as washing the body is just sprayed and then dried using a plastic chamois (fabric dryer). I could have brebet machine would not even be the starter because of water getting into the ignition or electrical connections. Apparently there are practical ways that can make a sleek look without causing disruption in the machine. Here are quick tips of washing and polishing.

Previously, provide the supporting tools, such as cloth dryer, bucket, two pieces of clean cloth, dab of soap, toothbrush, and spray cleaning the machine, which can be found at accessories stores and car care.

Make sure the engine in cold conditions so as not to injure the hand. Dampen a cloth and wring it out do not let dry. Wipe all surfaces are dusty corresponding reach.

For the affected oil seepage can be cleaned prior to use a brush that was given soap. Rinse with a damp cloth to clean the soap.

Both steps are not necessary for European production cars. "Special European cars, we do not use the water for the initial step because the manufacturer does not justify the washing machine uses water," said Handoyo, DSB repair shop supervisor. The effect, tend to be opaque spots usually appear difficult to remove.

After that, spray the engine cleaner spray on all parts, both made from rubber, iron, and aluminum. Do not hesitate to spray the side near the body because the drug did not damage the paint. "If there is a spray that on the body, simply wipe clean with a dry cloth," said Handoyo.

After that, allow the former spray to dry. Can also swabbed using a clean towel to speed up the drying process. No need to wipe many times so that the medicine is not lost. The drug can last for 10 days and if dusty or subject to splashing water from the bottom just wipe it dry.

For conditions that are not too heavy (very dirty), this process only takes 25 minutes. Practical is not it?

Do you have beloved car? that's means you should know at least practical knowledge. However, little knowledge about cleaning the car with the practical help you. bit does not matter than none.