Saturday, December 3, 2011

VW eT!'s Future electric vehicles

Wolfsburg - Volkswagen boasted eT! This car will be the future of logistics vehicles. Until now, the VW is still continuing to test the sophistication of the car, and do not know when it will be mass produced.

Automobile manufacturers compeTing to bring the car according to user needs. Because the car as needed is one means of transportation that is in demand. Unfortunately at this time was minimal, it was ogled by VW.

German car manufacturer Volkswagen is presenting eT! the concept. The box-shaped car is a van that is intended for the transportation of logistics assistance channeled so easily.

As quoted from the official website of VW, Friday (18/11/2011) VW eT! is powered by four electric motors embedded in each of the legs of the car.

The most distinguishing VW eT! with conventional logistics vehicle is, VW eT! using an electric sliding door that can open wide to the rear access cover and rear seat passenger cabin.

The design was intended to facilitate the sending in and out of the car. With such design shippers to move freely during the delivery of goods takes place.

In the sliding doors there is a lever, just slide the door starts to move backwards electrically. eT the fun! theme is "Follow me" and "Come to me". With these features can be ordered car driver, just say "Follow me" or "Come to me", the car will move to follow his master.