Friday, December 9, 2011

Ray LaHood confirmed that electric battery of Chevrolet Volt cars're still good

WASHINGTON - Last week, the Chevrolet Volt suspected potentially harmful to consumers because the battery on fire when the collision occurred. Even the U.S. government along with the National Higway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) will conduct in-depth investigation the incident.

Related to these investigations, GM states were doing repairs on these components. These improvements require funds reportedly at least 9 million U.S. dollars.

Until this news was released, there has been no official results produced investigative agencies if the Volt is safe. Or worst case scenario should be discontinued.

Secretary of Transportation United States (U.S.) Ray LaHood called on all consumers Chevolet Volt so as not to worry about the electric car. He ensures the pride of environmentally friendly vehicles that General Motors is safe to drive again although this time investigated the damage to the battery.

LaHood explained, the Department of Transportation did not try to protect any car manufacturer of security-related investigations. His job is not to protect automotive industi. LaHood statements arguably to dampen consumers not to panic in the market and result in GM losing money because consumers shunned Volt.