Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Pi", "Nu", and "beta" are types of folded and smartphone-controlled electric cars Kobolt

TOKYO - Kobot small electric cars or vehicles, can be folded and controlled through a smartphone. To monitor the condition of vehicles and other information, in front of the rider mounted large screen, similar to iPad or tablet computer.

This is the future of the targeted vehicles in anticipation of restrictions on vehicles that may enter the city center. Kobot his name, made by Kowa Co.., Ltd. is the manufacturer of "Electro-Optical" and Tmsuk robot manufacturers, both from Japan.

Kobot still a draft and made his debut at the Tokyo Motor Show 2011 which just ended. With a funny appearance as well as some of its ability that is unique, including creative concept offered.

Kowa Tmsuk has not announced whether it will produce this vehicle. But according techon.nikkeibp.co.jp, Kobot likely be released in the fall of next year.

Kowa exhibiting two three-wheeled electric vehicle for a seat that is named "nu" and "beta". Another one is the version of the two-seater, four-wheel-called "pi".

"Pi" (two-seater)
It is "pi" two-passenger electric vehicle that is designed to bring family members or friends. Kowa Tmsuk expect "pi" is used for a distance of 100 km. The move of electric motor's mounted directly on the right and left rear wheels.

Kowa Tmsuk said, Kobot can live side by side with pedestrians in large cities. Further, large cities like Paris and London had anticipated the possibility to restrict vehicles may enter the city center.

Although, Kobot not be used in the cities of Japan because it is generally located in a mountainous area. Another target Oboth, as vehicles of tourists visiting various places on the radius is not too far!

"Nu" and "beta" (single seater)

Although a "nu" and "beta" structure at its base, but the appearance is different. "Nu"-shaped linear and can go only up to a maximum speed of 55 kph. Vehicles are expected to coexist with pedestrians in the area of the city and is designed for mileage.

"Beta" designed round with a maximum speed of 45 kph and is targeted for a distance of 35 km. Vehicle can spin on a smaller radius and parked a small space.

The second one passenger vehicle uses an electric motor mounted directly on the front and rear wheels. Completeness, a mechanism that allows the saddle - like motorcycles - is shifted to the side or folded so easily parked in the pinchers or not wet rain.