Friday, December 30, 2011

PEVE battery is used for Prius sedan

Shizouka - PEVE stood on December 11, 1996 which is a joint venture with Panasonic TMC is built with an investment of 20 billion yen. Toyota and Panasonic each have shares of 80.5 percent and 19.5 percent.

"After 15 years we were only able to produce batteries in bulk to reduce production costs. Request this battery will continue to increase in future in line with the development of hybrid cars," he said.

In addition to supplying batteries for Toyota, he said, PEVE also markets its products outside the Toyota group, such as Honda, General Motors, and Hino.

Toyota Motor Corporation has developed a lithium battery factory nikle and capacity to reach 1.1 million units per year to support the development of hibridnya car in the world.

It was revealed in about 80 journalists from 13 countries who visited the factory Primearth EV Energy Co. Ltd. (PEVE) in Shizouka Friday.

GM executive of Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) Satoshi Ogiso said today PEVE has three battery plant in Tohoku, Miyagi, and Omori (Kosai), with masing2 of 400 thousand, 400 thousand and 300 thousand units per year.

"Development of a battery factory is very important to support the diversification of fuel that we produce," he said.

Most of the production or about 80 percent of production of PEVE battery is used for Toyota cars, especially the Prius sedan, which is the first mass-produced by TMC with hybrid technology.

"Until the end of 2011, production PEVE battery will break the approximately four million units," he said. In 2010 the battery company's sales reached 100 billion yen.