Monday, December 26, 2011

Japanese government kept lowering the electric car's tax burden

TOKYO-Noda agreed to provide 300 billion yen as funding cuts directly to consumers who want to buy a car tech "green".

"Our request was not just reduce the tax burden, but to fight against the yen, to prevent the cessation of production on the outside and maintain domestic production," said Toshiyuki Shiga, Chairman of the Automotive Industries Association of Japan (Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association).

In addition, the government also intends to introduce new carbon tax burden for reducing emissions of greenhouse effect gases. One of them, reducing the use of nuclear as a source of power generation in Japan.

The Japanese government finally decided to extend the fiscal incentives in the form of tax cuts for fuel efficient vehicles than the original ending April 2012 to 2015. Strengthening the exchange rate of Yen and declining sales in export markets became a major reason for the extension, as well as to increase the domestic Japanese market.

As reported by Bloomberg (9 / 12), the country also plans to continue rising sun direct price cuts over the next year which ended September 2011.

Japanese Finance Minister in June Azumi said, before increasing state taxes have to come support key industries in the country-in this case in order to boost the automotive-profits. "The importance of the auto industry hard to deny. We want to give full support to them," said Azumi.

The government agreed to lower the tax burden of the vehicle (car weight tax) worth 150 billion yen from the finance minister proposed 1 trillion yen per year. This proposal was opposed by Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda refused to enlarge the value of tax incentive.