Tuesday, December 6, 2011

the function of "i-LOOP" is almost the same as the technology of "stop-start"

Hiroshima, - The Mazda says the function of "i-LOOP" is almost the same as the technology of"stop-start" that many car manufacturers are applied. Here, he worked closely with Mazda's "i-stop" (start-stop system at Mazda).

After the success of SKYACTIVE technology, Mazda Motor Corporation (MMC) released the "i-LOOP". Regenerative braking system that is claimed to be able to save on fuel consumption to 10 percent. Of MMC's headquarters in Hiroshima explained that the "i-LOOP" stands for Intelligent Energy Loop.

Fuel-efficient technology is claimed to be the first Mazda in the world with base capacitor regenerative braking. Debut starts next year on Takeri - passenger vehicle which is the next-generation of Mazda6. Vehicles will be presented at the Tokyo Motor Show, which begins December 1, 2011 to the public.

Mazda also, leaking, after the "i-LOOP", will develop the second and third steps (electrical technology).

In hybrid cars, braking (deceleration) be a mainstay for charging a battery that stores energy to drive electric motors. The difference is, on the "i-LOOP" do not use an electric motor or a special battery. The technology combines the alternator voltage of 12-25 volts with low electrical resistance and the capacitor converters DC / AC. Thus, the recovery of kinetic energy when the driver lifted the accelerator pedal (deceleration).

Alternator generates electricity and sends it to a capacitor for storage. Capacitors can be fully charged in seconds. Converter functions to reduce power from 25 volts to 12 volts before distributing it to the electrical components (such as in between the audio, control systems).