Thursday, December 29, 2011

Finally, Saab come to retired age at 68 signed by filing for bankruptcy

Finally, Saab come to retired age at 68 signed by filing for bankruptcy

As reported by AFP, Saab was founded in 1937 in Sweden with the help of the government to make airplanes. Saab AB, a separate company, which until now made fighter aircraft, passenger aircraft and defense systems, continued to operate.

Saab Automobile automotive company started making cars in 1947 with first production was launched two years later.

In 1969, Saab partnered with trucking companies to Saab-Scania and Scania.

Saab is a glorious period of the decade the 80's when the Swedish currency, krona, to weaken so that Saab exports shot up to the United States and Britain. Saab won a reputation as a pioneer of turbocharging technology.

End of the decade of the 80's was a difficult period economically and Saab three years in a row loss. General Motors later bought 50 percent of Saab Automobile from Saab-Scania in 1990.

Ten years later, GM bought 50 percent stake owned lagi.Selama 20 years GM, Saab only profit in 2001.

The model is still that's all while diminishing demand plus they begin to be difficult to get credit.

Saab employees in 2009, told AFP that GM as a company owner, did not provide sufficient capital for new products.

GM hit by the crisis in 2008-2009 and in early 2010 to sell Saab to Spyker, a Dutch sports car company for 400 million dollars. Now the company was named Swedish Automobile.

Saab, whose production is centered in the city of Trollhaettan in April 2011 to stop production because suppliers stopped shipment. They had too many delinquent bills.

3700 Saab employees has also been paid for five months late November, even they are not paid. The company ran out of money.

Swedish Automobile trying to find funds to various parties including the Chinese automotive company and distributor of Youngman Pang Da.

The talks ended because GM was not willing to transfer technology licenses to the Chinese company. Saab arrived at the end of the trip.

Automaker Saab filed for bankruptcy on Monday and it's ending two years of their rescue efforts.