Sunday, December 25, 2011

60 percent eco-friendly cars dominate European market

According to Nikkei, Toyota has been difficult to succeed in the European market due to 60 percent of passenger vehicles in the continent using diesel technology.

Increasing use of diesel engines because the engine was considered effective in reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The main element of sophistication as the technology becomes more and more strict regulations on emissions.

On the other hand, Toyota's hybrid marketing difficulties due to the strength of the yen. That's according to the Nikkei makes Toyota chose to better market their diesel vehicles with engines from BMW.

Toyota and BMW are in talks to partner in environmentally friendly vehicles.

The Nikkei business daily said that under the deal, BMW will supply diesel engines for Toyota while the Japanese automotive companies will share hybrid technology.

Toyota spokesman suggested the news was "speculation" and he was not willing to comment further.

According to Nikkei, the design of cooperation was mentioned that BMW will supply diesel engines for Toyota vehicles with a capacity of 2,000 cc for the European market.

Toyota in August formed a partnership with Ford to build hybrid systems in the United States.

BMW in 2010 formed a partnership with PSA Peugeot Citroen Group to develop a hybrid system for sub-compact vehicles.