Monday, October 3, 2011

MyKey's embedded in the original key car to limit car speeds

Detroit - Ford created a unique electronic system that makes parents can control their children so as not to be racing again in the streets and did not even turn on the loud car audio system.

MyKey's embedded in the original key car to limit car speeds

Parents often worry when their children use their own cars. Moreover, high teen accident rates. Yet it seemed the nightmare would be settled.

As reported by Ford's official website, an electronic system called MyKey which is embedded in the original key car. The feature works depends on the settings for parents, such as limiting car speeds between 45 miles per hour (72km per hour up to 80 miles per hour (128 miles per hour).

Additionally a security feature called 'teenage' mode can also hold up the system of sound volume is not too high that was allegedly able to break the concentration of teen driving. For example, the volume can only be set to 40 percent of the highest volume levels.

If the feature of  'teenage mode' still found the car driven by more than the specified speed limit then the feature will issue a warning voice to slow the vehicle. Sound or alarm will sound when the vehicle is at speed of 45 miles per hour, 55 miles per hour and 65 miles per hour.

Other features that will be pinned in a car Ford is calling emergency assistance when accidents occur to trigger the airbag inflates. If there are incidents such as collisions, on-board car computers will send messages through mobile phone network for emergency services. The message also includes determining the coordinates of the vehicle.

Ford will make this feature becomes a standard feature on his car in the next year. Ford MyKey developed since 2008.

Another unique feature is a feature of the gas tank empty warning. MyKey warn teenagers to refuel the car if the amount of petrol in the tank just enough to advance as far as 75 miles.