Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Volvo will develop a four-cylinder engines with higher performance

SWEDEN, - "We will develop a four-cylinder engines with higher performance than the currentsix-cylinder. Fuel consumption was lower than the four-cylinder that exist today," saidMertens.

Volvo will develop a four-cylinder engines with higher performance

Volvo boss in research and development Peter Mertens explained recently that before the end of this decade, all Volvo models will have a machine with no greater than four-cylinder engine and shift into a smaller and economical. Consumers do not have to worry about and the new engine is as strong, call Mertens.

Besides being more powerful, with construction materials and new technologies, Volvo claims that these new machines have a weight of not more than 90 kg with fuel efficiency 35 percent more efficient. Step of making a new machine is nothing but to escape from dependence on Ford engines.

To meet the new regulations are increasingly stringent emissions not only in Europe but also in the United States and China, Volvo was forced to lower the vehicle spec. Does not concern the overall dimensions, the focus is directed to a machine.

The Swedish car manufacturer will develop a three-tech engine and four-cylinder replaces a five-or six-cylinder and diesel. This new heart will be installed on the model 2013.