Thursday, September 29, 2011

Unbelievable! Crystal Cardona in her Nissan Altima gives birth

New York - As reported by the Brooklyn Daily, Wednesday (09/28/2011), 9:45 pm New York time, Cardona feel the water broke. He was rushing to the hospital accompanied by his brother Eddie and Nelanie.

Crystal Cardona had an unforgettable experience with the car. How he did not have to give birth to her in the car of Nissan Altima.
Unbelievable! Crystal Cardona in her  Nissan Altima gives birth 

However, Cardona could not stand anymore to give birth to her second child, while in the streets.

The car had stopped in the street, and people crowded but confused what to do. Luckily there is a midwifery student, Aionga Pereira, who saw the incident. From her window, she saw the crowd and the curious.

"It will not think I would help give birth to a baby. This is an incredible experience to help bring new life into this world," said Aionga Pereira told reporters.

Pereira deftly grabbed a towel and ran out, ready to help Cardona.

Not long after the medical was coming and this will be a miracle. Because the mother and her child was safe and his son was given the name Maimonides.

"I kept thinking, so the baby's crying means the baby is healthy. When the baby starts to look, hold Cordona, then tell the press and the baby was born," said Pereira.