Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Unbelievable! 4 years Girl's trying to drive

Jinan, China -Action of a small boy driving a car is reminiscent of a similar action in the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. In the film, a 11-year-old taxi driver, played by Jonathan Ke Quan. In the film, the boy driving recklessly on the streets of Shanghai with a box in his shoes to his feet to the pedals.

Only, when Ke Quan did in the film, Jia Zheng doing these horrendous things directly in the real world.

Everyone would agree that learning many things must be done at an early age. But what if the boy was 4 years old are taught to drive? It would surprise many people.

A video describing this horrendous enough. 4-year-old girl named Jia Zheng trying to drive with someone who is thought to guide her father who sat in the back seat.

While the mother told the road and gave instructions when the boy was allowed to overtake another vehicle.

The boy's parents also came to remind the child to always use seat belts while riding in vehicles as well as focus on the road.

"Concentration. Be careful when overtaking another vehicle," the father said in the video as quotes from The Sun on Monday (5/9/20011).

Unique event was most likely taken the video in Jinan, Shandong Province, China, and posted on the YouTube site.

After a few minutes drive away, his father said to the boy pulled up. "Jia Zheng, stop the car. Let the father who continued driving," said the father.