Friday, September 9, 2011

Evos as a concept car of a very attractive hybrid will displayed by Ford

Evos as a concept car of a very attractive hybrid will displayed by Ford

BERLIN, - "Research and medical technology we now focus on developing health systems that can pay attention to the driver. The goal, so the driver can drive the focus in accordance with various situations and conditions. The reason later car drivers all over the world spend more time behind the wheel. In this way, can reduce rasastress them, "said by Mascarenas.

At the Frankfurt Motor Show 64th or better known in Germany by the Internationale Automobil Austellung (IAA), which runs from mid-September, Ford will display a concept car a very attractive hybrid called by Evos. According to Ford, Evos Concept is the company's first global design language.

GT Classic & Gullwing
Seeing the Concept Evos appearance, similar to the classic two-door GT car. In fact, Evos is designed fastback cars (rear ramps) four doors and four seats. Yes ... format similar to the sedan! Ford called it a new design concept or vision. Admittedly, the appearance of the more interesting and innovative Evos because all four doors, open like the wings of seagulls (gullwing).

Evos as a concept car of a very attractive hybrid will displayed by Ford

For propulsion, the hybrid Ford's reliable technology plug-in (PHEV) with a source of energy lithium-ion battery and gasoline engine (not specified capacity and ability). Furthermore, the car is equipped with various advanced technologies that deliver a new experience for the driver.

"Evos brings together three key elements that became the core of One Ford global strategy: the design is very attractive, smart technology and economical fuel consumption," said Derrick Kuzak, Vice President of Global Product Pegembangan Ford. Added, the concept of Evos have never been seen on the road and will become the benchmark product for Ford's next-generation models that are marketed worldwide.

Connectivity Cloud
Further, Evos are able to create a new personal experience for every driver. Because the car is accompanied by connectivity technology clouds (cloud). "Nevertheless, this car will not be a smartphone. Factor of safety remains our primary concern when the car is used, "said Kuzak.

It is said, technological connectivity "cloud" diserti on this car to meet the needs and habits of the driver. To that end, Ford researchers learn to understand the needs and driving habits of people. Furthermore, this car will combine personally identifiable information with additional data from the cloud of connectivity, including the driver's work schedule and traffic conditions and local weather.

"We continue to research the extent to which this car can give references to the driver so that it can work more easily," said Paul Mascarenas, Head of Engineering and Vice President Ford Research and Innovation. "This car gets information from the driver and worked as a personal assistant to control the routine tasks of everyday life," he added.

Explained, Evos unify lifestyle when their owners are at home, at work and while driving. All that can be obtained thanks to the cloud connectivity technology. With this addition, the car can get to know the driver and automatically adjust. Especially for controlling the steering wheel and engine so the car can be driven dynamically.

Evos can also play music or news programs automatically. Including heat or cool the interior in accordance with the ideal temperature before the driver goes into it. By using a wireless communication system to a device at home, this car could also close the garage door and turn off lights automatically when the contrary.

Health Monitor
According to Ford's experts have researched them and continue to develop technologies that can find out the driver's health, such as heart rate monitor and an interior that does not cause allergies. With a direct connection to the cloud, Evos and monitor the physical condition of the driver's workload in accordance with his experience.

In dynamic situations, simplified instrument panel appearance. That display only the information needed. Smartphones will be converted into the mode "Do Not Disturb" so the driver can focus on the road.

For that, Evos Concept will be equipped with air quality sensor and filter system for allergy sufferers. This car will provide air quality data and make proactive suggestions, which is a healthier route to a destination.

Hybrids Powersplit
Hybrid power used Evos with the Ford C-Max Energy are marketed in North America and Europe next year in 2013, which is a hybrid "powersplit". With this concept, motorl electric and gasoline engines can work simultaneously or individually to maximize efficiency. So, the car can go only by electric energy or gasoline engine to charge the battery while continuously.

Added, with a cloud connectivity system, efficiency can be improved. Because cars can choose the optimum combination of power modes on each other. the excelence of this car, can learn the history of the driver's habits. In this way, can advise the driver to choose a better destination.

In the future, this car could also find a route which is prohibited or line or a special area for a particular vehicle. For example path or road specifically for electric cars.

The concept of a special lane has diwancanakan in various countries. France for example, consider a zone that should only be passed to a low-emission vehicles.So is the city such as London, Berlin and Stockholm.

Ford claims, PHEV technology embedded paa Evos are superior than the electric car "Range Extender". Because once the content of the gas tank and the battery fully, could for a distance of 800 km.

Fastback Modern
"Through the Evos, we give a clear message that the design concept car that Ford is steadily accelerated with attractive looks and figure of a beautiful body," beber J Mays, Vice President and Chief Creative Ford Motor Company about this Ford's latest concept car.

Described, the new Ford design language of the Evos are fastback design concept with a touch of the new profile that is proportional and innovative. "This new interpretation for modern fastback appearance," adds Mays.

The result, with front and rear doors open like the wings of seagulls, the driver and passengers can enter more freely in the car cabin dimensions: length 4.50 m, width 1.97 m, height 1.36 m, 2.74 mm wheelbase !

For dimensions, Evos, including compact cars with a sporty appearance of strong character. The front (hood) is slightly crested, rounded windshield and A-pillars that create a classic GT appearance.