Monday, September 19, 2011

ABS was created to reduce the centrifugal force

Dangers arising from the centrifugal force will throw the car straight ahead, with notes also in a state steering straight. But when the wheel is in a state of turn, the results can be uncontrolled by car and overturned. This is where the ABS was created to reduce the centrifugal force.

ABS was created to reduce the centrifugal force

brake is the life when we are driving.
You can imagine how fatal a vehicle if it has no brakes when walking. Along the development of technology, safety features about the brakes continue to evolve, including discovery of system Anti-Lock Breaking System or commonly known as ABS.

The simplest understanding of ABS is the anti-lock brake system.This system works on a car braking to prevent wheel lock on occurs when a sudden braking situation occurs.

ABS will work using the sensor as the wheel lock after the occurrence of sudden braking. When the sensor reads a wheel lock, the sensor will give the command to the brake piston to loosen and tighten again when the wheel spins. That process takes place very fast, capable of reaching 15 times per second. The result, the car can be controlled and more effective braking distances.

Before it was discovered the technology of ABS, the driver or rider, already practiced manually workings of the ABS, by pressing the brake pedal and occasionally take it off (other languages ​​whisk brakes). But, it needs high flying hours of a driver, to perform this technique. The rest, mostly direct the driver pressing the brake pedal in hopes the car will stop.

There is a misperception on the function of the brake causing the lack of understanding about the benefits of ABS. Therefore, ABS brakes fungs simply can not be underestimated, especially when we are driving on slippery road conditions.

Keep in mind, the main function is to reduce the rotation of the wheel brake, not as a tool stop the vehicle. As a result, there are still many features of a car without ABS will continue to slide despite the brakes. It's not a question of wheels still spinning, but the ganya centrifugal force, which is proportional to the speed of cars (the faster the car, the greater the centrifugal force).

(From various sources)