Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wonderful! world record in the case of parallel parking

Stuttgart -Solving the world record in the case of parallel parking in very limited space that held true last April. However, institutes a new Guinness World Record videotape released on Thursday, August 4, 2011.

 Parked in a parallel format is not easy matter. In addition must have high skills, also must have a careful and precise calculation to bring the car into the existing space. Especially if the available space is very narrow and only about the size of a parked car less.

However, not so for Ronny 'C-Rock' Wechselberger. As reported by, Friday, August 5, 2011, the young German was successfully parallel parked his Volkswagen Polo car which dikemudikannya contained in the space between two cars.

"Although it is very tight parking spaces, Wechselberger successfully parked perfectly in a single motion," the page wrote.

In fact, that impress people, it still leaves a distance of 26 centimeters (cm) between the rear bumper of his car with the front bumper of the car behind it. Inevitably, it solves the action Wechselberger the Guinness World Record.

Indeed, the action of parallel parking in a very difficult it is done within the framework of the record-breaking new car parked in the space that has a level of extreme difficulty. Previously, the record was recorded by Zhang Hua, a Chinese driver.

Zhang, in 2010, successfully parallel parked in tight spaces with a high difficulty level. However, between the front bumper of the car behind the rear bumper of his car to within 24 cm or 2 cm shorter than the distance which listed the latest record.

Happenings success, Wechselberger said they had done by spinning to form the letter 'J'. He spurred his car in high speed and then at a certain distance that he feels is enough to put the car in between two cars there is enough, he quickly pulled the hand brake lever.

The result, he rightly puts VW Polo favorite between the two cars. In fact, both sides of the car body, right and left, just straight to the car in front and rear.

Wonderful! world record in the case of parallel parking